OS Backward Compatibility : Zerro Below

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A Big Problem:

There are many that argue that upgrading the components of an OS is needed often, even if there is no issue of security or other absolute need. Some say that this is to allow older OS versions to run newer software. This is a big problem for good long term OS's, as the ideal is to remain static in API and ABI to allow software usage to be true long term in nature. Some will say that breaking changes are need as we are moving forward, this neglects long term compatibility with software.

In those rare cases where an upgrade is needed do to a bug, or a security hole (also a bug), then distribute the information on the bug widely, and how to patch the issue even without any distributed software. Also make sure that the patch does not break any correctly working software, as that is a very bad thing. There is nothing wrong with providing some reasonable extra features, so long as they do not break any existing software that can be ran on the target systems.

Even my mainly used OS, known as RISC OS, has seen this issue. The 32-bit only RISC OS has managed to remain compatible for the most part, though a few decisions have caused problems. The biggest being the relocation of zero page, as there are things that can not be done with other API's that require the use of Zero Page. For this reason I am looking at who can help, and what it will take to make a ROM image that has the normal zero page at zero page location.

The upgrade aholics need to rethink things to allow software to continue to work, and allow for long term computing in a working way.

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